
Agape Christian Church, the church of the helping hand and the rolled up sleeves. Reaching out to Las Cruces, Doña Ana County.

Our mission is to reach people for Jesus Christ, accepting them as they are, and gently leading them to where God wants them to be.

We would love to have you visit us and be a part of our church family. We meet in the Dream Center at 1400 North Sixth Street (one block east of Valley Drive and behind the Circle K (formerly Pic Quik) at Sixth and Wilson) in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Call if you need a ride or for more information.

Be sure to check the news and events page and our Facebook Page, periodically, to find out what’s happening at Agape.


Agape Christian Church is the mission sending organization for New Iberian Mission Association with its primary outreach to Morning Glory Christian Academy in Guatemala.